Let's keep this short and sweet.
Roasted red peppers come in small jars, with fancy names like Mancini or Mezzetta for like 8 bucks. These used to be a stapled grocery item for me, until I learned that it's pretty darn easy to roast them yourself. If you have a grill, or a stove you should at least give it a try. So here is my short and sweet tutorial on how to roast red peppers.
Start with three cute little peppers. Make sure to give the middle one extra attention because he lost his stem. Rub olive oil all over them. If you are fancy use, a brush. If you are lazy like me, use your hands. Then rub the remaining olive oil into your hands because it's a great moisturizer. Preheat your oven to 500 degrees F. It's hot, I know, but do not be scared. Put the peppers in the oven, and roast for 20 minutes. You may here them screaming but stay strong. I'm not joking though, they tend to emit a high pitch sound. You want those blackened charred marks. After 20 minutes, turn peppers over and roast for another 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and cover it with aluminum foil. Set aside for 30 minutes. This allows the peppers to steam and helps the skins come off better.
When you're done, you're left with something that resembles myself when I get out of the pool. You will be able to easily pull the stems right off. Cut the peppers and remove the seeds. Remove the peel. An easy way to do this is to rub the peppers with your thumb and your index finger. They should easily peel right off.
Alas, you are left with delicious homemade and cheap roasted red peppers. You can use roasted red peppers for anything. Pastas, sandwiches, salads. It's a great addition to any meal. Enjoy!